whacker to trim it, but it looks uneven, so I am scouring craigslist for an electric or push mower. I have also gotten in the first set of low voltage lights along the side
and should have the front done soon. Nature has lent a hand and the roses, delphiniums and cosmos are going nuts, what a difference even from last year!
The box woods are staring to fill in and the yard is starting to look mature - what a motivator to get rest finished...unfortunatly, the "rest" is the 45' parkway along the side of the house that will need the same traetment as the front - remove the rocks, add the manure, peatmoss and compost...ugh!!! I am going to do sections at a time
so its not so overwhelming... Also on the Agenda for this spring is to chip the paint off the cement caps of the porch posts, and repaint the porch floor and brick pillars. The porch floor and pillars are going to be replaced but I want to keep the cement caps when the porch gets rebuilt. Paint removal off cement...this should be entertaining....
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